Sportz Fun

Football / Soccer One-Liners

[ world cup one-liners, more Soccer humor ]

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What runs around a soccer field but doesn't move?

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A fence!

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Why is it so hot after a soccer game?

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Because all the fans have gone home.

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What do you get if you cross a football team with a bunch of crazy jokers?

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Mad Jester United.

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What do you get if you cross a footballer and a mythical puppet?

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A centaur forward.

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Why did the soccer player bring string to the game?

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So he could tie the score

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Why was the dog bad at soccer?

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Because he had two left feet

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Why are swimmers good at soccer?

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Because they dive a lot.

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Which soccer player has the biggest cleats?

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The one with the biggest feet.

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Why did the soccer ball quit?

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It was tired of being kicked around.

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Where do Team USA soccer players shop for their soccer uniforms?

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New Jersey.

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